Learn the Facts
It's okay to not be okay. It is normal for teens and young adults to experience mental health struggles. It’s okay to admit if you are having a hard time.
Remember: talking about depression doesn’t make it worse. Reach out. Be a good listener. Let people know they matter.
Understand the warning signs, what to do, and statistics about suicide.
Warning Signs
The person talks about:
Wanting to die or to kill oneself. “I wish I were dead.”
Feeling hopeless or having no reason to live. “I can’t take it anymore.”
Feeling trapped or unbearable pain.
Feeling like a burden to others. “People would be better off without me.”
The person:
Uses more alcohol or drugs, or has developed an eating disorder.
Is reckless, risky, or impulsive.
Is self-harming.
Searches for a way to kill oneself, like buying a gun, searching online, or stockpiling pills.
Sleeps too much or too little.
Withdraws or isolates themselves.
Says goodbye to others or gives away possessions.
The person shows:
Rage, uncontrolled anger or aggression
Extreme mood swings
What You Can Do
Talk to a friend that you suspect is struggling. Say things like:
How are you? I’ve noticed you’ve been acting differently. What are you struggling with?
You're a great friend and part of my life. I want to see how you're doing. How are you really feeling?
I care about you. You’ve mentioned you’ve been struggling lately. What can I do to help?
If you need help, reach out to a friend. Say something like:
I feel really alone right now. Would you mind keeping me company?
Listen and don’t be judgemental, angry or shocked.
Tell them you care and they’re not alone.
Tell them depression is treatable and that even the worst problems can be worked out.
Don’t tell them you’ll keep suicidal thoughts or plans a secret.
If the situation is life threatening, stay with the person and call 911 or 988.
If the situation is not life-threatening, help the person find a counselor or trusted adult.
Statisics About Suicide
of high school students have attempted suicide.
1 in 10
young adults (age 18-25) have had serious thoughts about suicide.
1 in 5
high school students have had serious thoughts about suicide.
of those who died by suicide in 2020 had a diagnosable mental health condition at the time of their death.